How to Write a Good Capability Statement

What is a business capability statement? A Capability Statement is a very brief (only 1 or 2 pages), to the point and specifically related to the individual agency’s needs. Ideally, it is a living document that will change depending on the targeted audience. Your Business Capability Statement provides the reader with a more in depth, […]

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Will You Pledge to Build an Anti-Racist Fashion Brand?

Diversity and Inclusion is not just inviting people into the room or providing a seat at the table.  Brene’ Brown’s interview with Aiko Bethea in November 2020not only confirmed what I’ve always felt, but it helped me articulate in my own writing the issues of racism, unconscious bias, privilege and exclusion.

Not only have I tackled the big issues in gender inequality, the gender suicide gap and mental health but the sustainability of our environment and a cleaner organic life has remained a constant priority… more

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Get Personal

In this blog we look at how to generate online reviews from happy customers and why it’s important, as well as the impact it has on your business and income.  Review Drive Customers  Reviews Build Trust  Reviews Increase Sales Firstly, you need to provide a space, send out an invitation or ask for a review. […]

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Why creating content is worth it.

What is a Call To Action?

A CTA is not a Sales Pitch but a gentle sign post directing your intrigued reader where to go next.  So today, I have the WordStyler Call To Actions for Your Digital Asset checklist to download!”  

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How to Optimise Your Digital Assets

This information can become quite overwhelming so I have tried to remove the fluffy words and serve up the facts. Metadata – the data used to describe a digital asset, transitions your workflow from “finding” to “searching.” If the Metadata does not exists you will have to remember what folder your digital asset is stored […]

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As it appears on ShireWomen This is an article written for Sophie B Photography, a proud member of ShireWomen and a well respected, talented and sort after photography. For more information check out or reach out to her at I interviewed Sophie during our Shire Women introduction package and from this created a 2000 word document. I […]

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Guesting One Sheets

Podcast Guesting is a fun, easy way to lift your personal brand. By sharing your personal experiences, the lessons you’ve learnt or tap into the specialised training and education you’ve undertaken, you are able to leverage your industry exposure and position yourself as an expert in your fields of interest. Now, you can wait around […]

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5+ Reasons Why Headlines need Eye Catching Phrases to become Scroll Stoppers and How!

Catchy article titles can make all the difference. The difference between your blog post getting 1000’s of views or sinking into obscurity. When people find your blog post in the search results, it’s the title that determines whether they click through to your page and read your article. Headlines are important. Up to 80% of […]

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What the hell is a Digital Asset?

Digital Assets are defined as lead generating, income producing or branding material that creates awareness, attracts attention and directs your potential customers towards your business   “A Working Definition of Digital Assets. … An expanded definition includes online accounts. So a more inclusive definition is that a digital asset is digitally stored content or an online account […]

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Expert Articles

These are sticky posts. Excerpt or certain amount of words will appear here as an intro or tease to the full article.

“These are sticky posts. Excerpt or certain amount of words will appear.”

These are sticky posts. Excerpt or certain amount of words will…

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