Do you have over 10,000 hours of experience?
Do you have an area of expertise?
Have you lived the experience others have only observed?
Do you feel confident in speaking about these aspects of your professional role?
Can you articulate the themes of your personal story?
“The Expert in anything was once the Beginner, she started somewhere knowing she didn’t know everything.”
“An expert is someone who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field.” – Niels Bohr
When you hear that story of Edison failing over 1000 times in his quest of the light bulb ‘moment’, it’s surely got to make you feel good about your efforts and attempts at innovation or adaptation. I love that moment of clarity when you see what you first thought come into existance. Was it worth it? Only you can answer that but given the time, money and energy you spent the costs are outwieghed by the experience that money just can’t buy.
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin
To care so deeply, to want so much and work so hard for that one thing, years of trying, failing, rethinking, resurfacing only to be disappointed that it didn’t quite work has given you the skills, knowledge and know how, of what not to do!
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin
As an optimist I always see the opportunity to take a small step forward, even if I have been pushed 10 steps back. The road blocks in my journey have in hindsight led me to the babbling brook. So, trying to be the expert at anything or everything will eventually see the stars align. So many of our skills, qualities and personality traits transfer into a combination of attributes that can be successfully adapted into another arena.
“I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” – Michael Jordan
Your expertise will come at an expense. It will come at a cost. Whether it is time, money or energy, researching the details, falling down the rabbit hole and resurfacing for a breathe of fresh air will create your own little ‘David’. Micheal Angelo carved away what he didn’t need to find what was always there. Do the work, be that person.
“Nothing will work unless you do.” – Maya Angelou
Most of us end up in a little bubble of something, knowing all we can, only capable of being that to some. You are the expert in your life, you know what you like, don’t like and want and if you don’t it’s your responsibilty to work that out. Find your happy, find a niche, be the expert and share it with the world.
“We are all experts in our own little niches.” – Alex Trebek
The Wordstyler is an expert in creating the exact persona and describing the admirable attributes of an expert. We are able to validate what others already think and humbly share your acomplishments and achievements that do not understate their importance. We extract quotes that concisely demonstrate your knowledge with comments that support evidence and research. Imagine being cited in an article that positions you as that authority. In order to be that, you must create it, or we can.
Check out our guest interview one sheets that form as an attachment to your pitch to media and corporate speaking agencies.
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