5+ Reasons Why Headlines need Eye Catching Phrases to become Scroll Stoppers and How!

Catchy article titles can make all the difference.

  1. The difference between your blog post getting 1000’s of views or sinking into obscurity.
  2. When people find your blog post in the search results, it’s the title that determines whether they click through to your page and read your article.
  3. Headlines are important. Up to 80% of people may not even read your post if you don’t have a powerful headline that grabs people’s attention.
  4. It’s the first impression your readers have and it will dictate whether or not they keep on reading.  In essence, your title has to pique a reader’s curiosity enough for them to want to know more about it.
  5. In fact your headline alone can be responsible for up to a 500% difference in your traffic – that’s viral.



  1. Use Numbers.

This is the key ingredient in writing catchy titles for articles: use numbers! …

2. Include the Word ‘Guide’ …

3. Create a Knowledge Deficit or ‘Curiosity Gap’ …

4. Solve a Problem. …

5. Avoidance of Pain. …

6. Change The Reader’s Life. …

7. Fear of Failure. …

8. Use Negatives.

And here are a few extras to help you

9. Use The Unusual Insight
10. Use Statements Posing as Questions
11. Make a Prediction
12. Offer Some Help
13. Use FOMO
14. Use Insider Information
15. Use ‘Secrets The Experts Are Not Telling You’
16. How To Do This Without Doing That
17. Be Controversial
18. Things I Wish I Had Known
19. I Did It and So Can You
20. Things You Didn’t Know
21. Tools You Need like this headline generator
Check out these tools that help generate your blog title, or digital asset.
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