This is the signature service of the Wordstyler.
A deep dive conversation to extract the person behind the brand.
This interview becomes the conversation that you can leverage into hundreds of digital assets and lead generators across all the platforms.
A Podcast Episode
Social Media Posts
Product Descriptions
Linkedin Articles
Video Scripts
Downloadable PDF’s
About Me Page
Media Pages
BIO – Resume
In just one hour we unpack your personality, define your values, identify your boundaries and map out your goals.
We share your history, stories and insights.
In your Voice.
A specialised and valuable asset that build trust, credibility and connection.
No one likes the sound of their own voice (read more about this in our blog, The Universal Issue, because it is one.
But your voice is a powerful source of influence and persuasion. It is an identifiable trait in your personality, a sound that instantly helps people recognise who you are.
Your tone,
inflections and
speed of your speech is a communication style unique to you and depicts your mood, allowing others to READ THE ROOM!
Combined with our body language, your voice makes up over 77% of your communication, people don’t really remember what you say, but how you say it, and how it made them feel…….something to remember.